Downtown Development Authority (DDA)

In 1985, the Village of Birch Run (Village) established the Village of Birch Run Downtown Development Authority (DDA). The DDA was created according to Act 197 of Public Acts of 1975 of the State of Michigan, as amended (Act 197).  Act 197 provides for the establishment of a downtown development authority when the Village Council determines that it is in the public’s best interest.  Act 197 was established to provide a tool for communities to “correct and prevent deterioration in business districts, encourage economic development and activity; to encourage historic preservation; to authorize the acquisition and disposal of interests in real and personal property; to provide for the creation and implementation of Development Plans; to provide for the creation of a board to govern an authority and to prescribe its powers and duties; to permit the issuance of bonds and other evidences of indebtedness by an authority; and to authorize the use of tax increment financing”.  The DDA District encompasses approximately 515.26 acres in the heart of the Village including Birch Run Premium Outlets. The DDA District contains primarily commercial, institutional (public), and residential components. The District supports many businesses that provide jobs, tax base, goods, and services to the Village and surrounding residents. The District functions as the business core of the community.  The primary intention of the DDA is to encourage economic growth through proper planning and provision of necessary and desirable public improvements.  The DDA provides a mechanism for the Village to organize, plan, and implement the revitalization of the District.  It is the objective of the DDA Board to stabilize conditions for those residing here, assist businesses in locating or expanding, and improve the quality of life.

Blaike Stafford            (Term ends 6/30/2026)

Vice Chairman
Cheryl Hadsall             (Term ends 6/30/2028)

Board of Directors

VACANT                       (Term ends 6/30/2026)
JoAnn Langmaid        (Term ends 6/30/2025)
VACANT                      (Term ends 6/30/2027)
Marianne Nelson       (Term ends 11/5/2024)
Gary Putnam              (Term ends 6/30/2027)
Bob Smith                   (Term ends 6/30/2025)
Andy Suski                  (Term ends 6/30/2028)     


Paul T. Moore – DDA Director
Lisa Duffett – DDA Secretary

Please contact the Village Office at (989) 624-5711 for any questions, comments, or issues related to the Downtown Development Authority.

Downtown Archway (Daytime)

Beginning July 1, 2012, the DDA Board of Directors implemented a Business Assistance Program. This program provides financial assistance to property owners and/or leaseholders within the Village of Birch Run DDA district. The primary intention of the program is to improve the physical appearance of businesses and enhance the traditional downtown area. This is a matching grant program which will use funds that are made available through Tax Increment Financing (TIF) dollars collected by the Village of Birch Run DDA. Further information is documented below:
DDA Business Assistance Program-Description
DDA Business Assistance Program – 2024/2025 Application (TBD)
DDA Business Assistance Program-Process and Procedures
DDA Business Assistance Program-Grant Agreement



Downtown Archway (Night)

Downtown Archway (Night)